Back from her brother's apartment, while the workers placed June’s belongings in one of the spare rooms
at Jon’s apartment and he carried her suitcases to his bedroom, June waited in
her favorite spot of the brown leather couch, right in front of the window
overlooking the glimmering lights of Manhattan, while her leg rested on a thin
cushion on the coffee table. According to the doctors, that was going to be her
default position for at least the following ten days until they could remove
the stitches.
With the remote
control she changed trays in the CD player and the device rattled mechanically
before Leonard Cohen’s voice started oozing out from the speakers with a low
volume. That was, according to June, the most accurate way to describe the
troubadour’s voice: it just oozed. After dismissing the workers, Jon poured
himself a glass of wine from the bar and sat on the couch in the space between
June’s parted thighs, leaning back against her, the back of his head on her
left shoulder, his legs spread open, bare feet planted on the carpet. He placed
his right hand on her thigh over her lose apple-green cotton trousers and let
it slide softly until his fingers curled around her knee. His left hand held
the glass of wine that rested on his thigh.
“I just talked to dad…they’re
bringing the kids tomorrow noon…I think that’ll give us enough time to rest”.
“You mean they…?”
“They know, of
course. Everybody knows, June. I’m tired of the secrets”
“Alright, alright…I’ve
learnt my lesson”, she teased.
“You’d better”
June chuckled: she’d
probably never seen the end of it, so instead of giving him more wood to set
fire to, she slid her hands under his armpits until her fingers laced on his
chest and bowed her head slightly to press her left cheek to Jon’s right one.
His three-day stubble made her tickle at the first touch, but she eased the
feeling by making a snuggly movement and they both let out a long sigh as they
realized it was the first time they were completely alone and at peace in what
seemed like ages. To hear June breathing next to him was more than Jon had been
able to do these past few days, not to mention the past few weeks.
“Thanks for putting
me up for a couple of nights”, she turned her head slightly to speak against
his ear, reprising his words. She could see the corner of his lips curl into a
“You know you can
stay as long as you want”, he said reassuringly, rubbing her thigh firmly with
his hand. “I like having you here”, he added as he slightly craned his head and
lifted his chin until his lips found June’s for a sweet, lazy kiss. After a few
moments Jon allowed his tongue to playfully caress June’s lower lip, and she
could feel his soft stubble in the inside of her lip. It appeared time was at
last on their side, so they took the time to taste each other thoroughly. They could
crash and burn right there and then or let the moment linger, relishing in
being next to each other, hearing each other breathe.
“Am I too anxious if
I say I want all this to be finally over?”, he asked, almost in a whisper, after
their lips parted, and took a long sip of wine.
“Well…it’s far from
over…there’s so much to figure out yet”, she whispered warily.
He let out a sharp
puff of hair, insightful: he was still in pretty good shape, but he guessed she
should be exhausted. “You feelin’ alright?”, he frowned slightly.
“Yeah”, June answered
hastily and propped her chin on his shoulder. “Let’s just talk about more
pleasant things, or not talk about anything at all, for once”.
He couldn’t remain
silent for long, though. Under the fabric of his light brown cotton shirt, June
felt the muscles in Jon’s stomach clench under her hands when he chortled.
“There’s already a
price on my head for this little disappearing act I pulled off”, Jon craned his
head to place a kiss on June’s cheek. “No place for romance in this business”.
A small smile tugged
at the corners of June’s lips, and Jon’s hand traveled to her nape, were it
made a fist with her hair before he started to gently scratch her scalp with
the tip of his calloused fingers. His reluctant tone wasn’t lost on June. “I still
got a bunch of gigs ahead of me”.
“And that is bad because…”
“’Cause I just got
you back…I wanna be outside, walking with you, holding your hand”, he frowned.
“I’m tired of not having you when I want you”.
June replied with a
soft smile to his complaint, but it faded an instant later when his words sunk
in. “It’s gonna be a scandal, won’t it”. June’s words weren’t a question: according
to the obstetrician, she was due mid-July. Even if Jon’s divorce was terminated
before Christmas, the dates just wouldn’t make sense.
“I don’t think your
brother will let that happen. I’m sure he’ll be able to handle it”, Jon let his
mind speculate for a second. “And if he can’t, then fuck it. Let ’em talk”, he
chuckled ironically when the image appeared inside his head. He removed his
hand from June’s nape and drew a headline with his fingers in the air in front
of him. “Rock-star knocks up best-selling-author-turned-outlaw”, he chuckled
June couldn’t help
but echo his chuckle. “We messed it up alright, didn’t we?”
Jon’s answer didn’t
come immediately but then he looked back over his shoulder to meet June’s eyes.
“Then whadda ya say we start all over again?”
“And how do you
suggest we do that?”, June asked, not without a certain amusement. It was cute
when Jon acted like he believed he had superpowers. “Is there a time-reset button
I haven’t noticed?”
“My idea is disappointingly
less glamorous but…I’m not gonna tell ya just yet”, he pouted mischievously and
June rolled her eyes in resignation. When he leaned back against her, she
casually slid her hands under his shirt and drew him closer against her before
she began to lazily brush the soft fuzz under his navel with her fingertips,
tracing, every once in a while, his skin along the waist of his jeans.
“Hm….”, Jon moaned
teasingly. “If I may ask…what are your intentions?”, he turned his head to
caress June’s chin with the tip of his nose and she smiled with a certain faint
“You’re tense…and I
know just the thing that might help
you relax”, she spoke with a sultry, thick voice.
“There’s only one
thing that comes to my mind that can do that…”, he threatened. He hadn’t made
love to her in weeks and fucking her good and hard was on the top of his to-do
list. There was only one problem, though. “I just…”. He leaned slightly forward
to set the glass of wine on the coffee table, letting her hands slide from
under his shirt.
It took only an
instant for June to understand what he meant: her goddam leg. “Come here…”, she
spoke amusedly but with an impossibly velvety voice, seizing his shoulders and
gently drawing him back until he relaxed against her. “You just do as I say…”,
she reassured as she rubbed his shoulders, “…and no one gets hurt”.
A smile stretched
Jon’s lips, and a wave of warmness expanded from his groin to everywhere in his
body. “I like where this is goin’”, he murmured as June began to unbutton his
Once she was done, she
pulled each half aside, exposing Jon’s tout chest and stomach, then let both
her hands glide freely over the hard plains of his chest, compact and hard like
a stone fence, only warm and silky. Alternating between the tip of her fingers
and the palm of her hands, she traced every muscle on his chest and stomach as
she placed little soft kisses on his neck.
When June channeled a
thin flow of air that flicked his earlobe, Jon made a sound in his throat, very
close to a groan, and clung to her thighs as his heart started racing.
“You wouldn’t believe
how much I want you right now”, he breathed after she slid his shirt off his
shoulders and along his arms.
“Let’s see then”, she
grinned and sensually slid one hand inside his jeans. His half-hard cock
twitched slightly as she put her fingers around it and pressed her breasts intently
against his back.
He inhaled audibly, tightly,
as he did whenever he had to sustain a long, high note. “You lost something?”,
he tried to keep a straight face when he looked over his shoulder at her.
“You know…”, she said
seductively, running a finger up the underside of his erect penis, inch by
inch, feeling how he reacted to every point she pressed, and teased and
pinched. He moaned softly and she smiled sensually into his shoulder.
“I love
how…responsive you are”. Her fingers closed now around his shaft, pressing
regularly, making it twitch and grow until she felt it completely hard in her
“That’s ‘cause you
make me so hot”
“And how hot is
“Like right now I’m
about to give a shit about your leg and get a little rough on you”
The animal, warning
tone made June quiver. She gave his dick a quick but firm squeeze, making him
“I don’t think you’re
in a position to negotiate”, she warned and placed another soft kiss on his
shoulder, the first one on an upward journey that left a trail of little kisses
and nibbles on his neck and ears.
“Then don’t stop”, he
said against her ear with honeyed voice, one hand again making a fist in her
hair on her nape, the other gripping the edge of the cushion. Their tongues met
again in a fierce, wet tussle, showing their growing desire for each other. Buried
under the turmoil of the past few days, libido was finally finding its back way
out, and it was taking no prisoners.
By the end of the
kiss, June’s heart was racing, beating hard inside her ribcage.
“Is this all you want
from me? I feel so…used…”, he complained. “I like it”
“Nu-huh”, that’s not
all”, she said while one hand went to his nipple, rubbing it, feeling it
getting hard. “I want this, too”. She gave the nipple a little squeeze, making
Jon hiss and throw his head back against June’s shoulder, lips parted, eyes
closed. She continued to stroke his cock slowly and purposefully, relishing in
having him under her stroke and in the lovely scent that radiated from his body.
With the tip of her tongue, she teased his earlobe as he let her unbutton and
unzip his jeans, then pull the jeans over his lean muscular hips. He helped by
jerking them slightly up, until his jeans were half way down his parted thighs.
“Hm…”, he groaned.
“Let me take you to bed”.
“No, sir”, she breathed
lustily. “We’re not going anywhere”, she ordered softly, getting another deep
moan as reply when she started rubbing the swollen head of his cock. A pearly
drop of moisture escaped and June caught it with her thumb before smearing all
over the head.
Jon gasped. “Fuck
June quivered inwardly
with pleasure, and she started feeling the moisture between her legs when he
pulled her lips to his, ravishing her mouth, letting his tongue dive into her
mouth, going as deep as it could as she kept doing unspeakably pleasant things
to his cock.
After breaking the
kiss, Jon looked down and watched her work her magic, marveling at how perfect
her hands were, and how skillfully they worked on him while she kept licking
and nibbling his neck, attentions that Jon felt in shivers all the way down to
his toes. She continued with long, slow strokes that started at the very base,
then up to just below the head before going back down again. She took her idle
hand to Jon’s golden, spiky hair, where she buried her fingers, keeping his
head firmly placed on the hollow of her shoulder, Jon’s eyes shut tightly with
Then all of a sudden
the rather languid tempo of her stroke changed, and she increased the firmness
of her grip. Jon’s abs clenched in an involuntary thrust, which he accompanied
with a throaty groan.
“Oh shit, that is
good baby”, he breathed hoarsely. He wasn’t whispering anymore.
June caught her lower
lip between her teeth in excitement and moaned, completely aflame with desire
as her inner walls clenched in want of what she was holding in her hand.
She was now pounding
him, and he breathed in quick, shallow pants. He was covered in sweat and his hair
felt damp in June’s hands. The idea of having him naked and so completely at
her mercy made her almost drunk with pleasure and her pussy was aching, stubbornly
demanding attention. She unconsciously jerked her hips up against the small of
Jon’s back in desperate search of some sort of release, until a sudden shiver
went through him, like a convulsion, and the sudden, helpless orgasm took over
“Easy…easy”, she
cooed against his temple, soothingly but hoarsely, unable to hide her own need
as her cheek pressed firmly against his and he let himself go, squirming in her
arms, gasping and moaning as he came. The raspy cries of release that filled
the room almost made June come as well, but she held on to him until he let out
a final deep, long groan and his body felt limp and sticky in her arms, his
skin blazing with heat.
They stayed like that
for what could have been hours, until Jon finally gathered himself as best as
he could and lifted June in his arms, carrying her upstairs.
“You shouldn’t spoil
me like this…who’s gonna carry me when you’re travelin’? Celia?”
“No…you’re gonna be a
good girl and stay right here upstairs until I get back”, he advised.
“You know, this
reminds me of the time we met in Thailand, remember? The pool?”, she asked once
they arrived at the second floor.
“’Course I do”,
answered Jon, narrowing his eyes and pouting with mock arrogance. “Wasn’t it
the time I swept you off your feet?”
June rolled her eyes.
“No…I was dating someone else at that time…and you were married…”.
“Ya sayin’ the ring
gives me the power of invisibility?”, he complained playfully, trying to keep a
straight face.
“You know what I
mean…”, she rectified with a serious tone when she realized that he actually
WAS still married and VERY visible to her nonetheless.
“And when did you start
‘seeing’ me, then?”, he asked as he entered the bathroom and nimbly turned the
dimmer until the bathroom was filled with a warm, yellowish light. Once
satisfied with the lighting conditions, he let her gently slide until her good
leg landed on the floor. June kept the injured one bent so her foot hung a few
inches over the pavement while Jon surrounded her shoulders to keep her
“I’d always enjoyed
your company but that time we met in London… you were just…so sweet”, she
smiled tightly and surrounded his waist with her arms snuggling against his
neck. “Then you kissed me and I couldn’t lie to myself anymore, I couldn’t deny
that there was something there”.
“I didn’t kiss you…it
was you that kissed me”, he teased,
making her look up and roll her eyes at him.
“Too late for
complaints now”, she murmured against his lips before they kissed briefly.
“Remember when we ran
into each other at the café?”, he asked with a more serious tone after breaking
the kiss, reaching for the hem of her white jersey top and pulling it over her
head. She collaborated by raising her arms in the air. “Over dinner…I dunno…I
was in a pretty bad shape and there were little things that you said and did…it
just made me feel better, and made me want to know more about you”, he said,
his index crooked under her chin, tilting it up and forcing her emerald eyes to
meet his aquamarine ones. She blinked, startled by his confession. He smiled
softly at her reaction. “Hang on”. After placing a smooch on her lips, he
walked towards the bathtub, placed the plug and opened the tap, then tested the
June placed her hands
on the marble counter to gain some balance, but couldn’t help her gaze from
linger on Jon’s pert, jean-clad butt for a few moments. Was this pregnancy? Was
she going to be constantly turned on for eight months or so? She wondered until
her eyes involuntarily caught her reflection in the mirror. The image was somewhat
blurry because of the clouds of steam that had started to swirl inside the
bathroom, but returned a pretty accurate idea of how she looked, complete with
scratches, bruises and stitches. After draping her hair over one shoulder, she
reached back to unhook her bra. Just when she was about to lose her balance,
she felt Jon’s warm and slightly sticky chest on her back. “Let me help”, he offered, and released the
clasp before letting the garment slid off her arms and fall to the floor. June
couldn’t help but keep staring at the scratches on her face and bare torso;
there were also bluish bruises on her ribs and hips. So much for the glowing of pregnancy.
“I’m such a mess”,
she chuckled, covering her face with her hands. Jon’s hands snaked around her
waist until one hand grabbed the other wrist on her stomach. Setting his chin
on her shoulder, he looked at the soft jade green eyes that peeked through her
fingers in the mirror.
“What?”, June asked,
though she could guess.
“You’re beautiful”,
his lips whispered next to her tiny jade earrings and she smiled, her hand now
touching his unshaven cheek before letting her head fall back against his
Jon’s lips
instinctively went to her neck, his tongue savoring her skin. His dick made a
little bounce in response to the silky, smooth skin of her bare back and he
groaned deeply before lifting his eyes to look at her in the mirror. Noticing that
she was chewing her lower lip, Jon’s hand now cupped her breast and kneaded
softly while the other ran fingers through her lovely hair.
“Now let’s get you
outta this”, he spoke after a few moments in a raspy, low voice and started
unbuttoning and unzipping her trousers. Warmth and longing spread through
June’s body like wild fire as he undressed her. After he eased them over her
hips, they slid down, exposing her white, lacy panties, but got caught around
her bent knee. When June unconsciously jerked her leg to ease them off her feet,
a jab of pain in her leg made her jump and lift her injured leg’s foot, bending
over and grimacing in response as she instinctively took her hand to her calf.
Jon wrapped his arms around her waist, steadying her.
“Baby, you OK?”, he
asked worriedly, but June’s lips were tightly closed, and she could only wince her
response. “Let me get you to bed”, he offered as he lifted her back in his
arms. He strode towards the bedroom and laid her gently on the springy mattress
before placing a pillow under her bandaged leg.
When he came back
from closing the taps in the bathroom, she was lying on her side. Jon couldn’t
help his eyes from travelling up the length of her body, admiring her figure. The
sight aroused him and he stared down at her, a mixture of yearning and awe in
his eyes. He climbed into bed, and curled up next to her with a close,
undoubting warmth before lining up his body against her, one arm around her
shoulder, his nose buried in her hair. June let out a deep sigh.
“Better?”, he asked,
and she nodded silently.
“Just give me a few
minutes”, she sighed sharply as she tried to get a grip of the signals her body
was sending to her brain. She suddenly felt as if her body was speaking another
language, and she couldn’t communicate clearly with it anymore. She felt so
cared for and desired that she wanted to cry. She also felt helpless and
frustrated for not being at her fullest, but wasn’t sure if that made her angry
or amused. Every word Jon said seem to now had the power of turning her bones
into warm butter, every nerve ending in her body alive to his slightest touch,
leaving her with nothing but a piercing, consuming lust. Her body needed release,
she needed to let go, scream out his name and flush away all thought. Most of
all, she felt overwhelmingly tired.
Jon felt the change
in her breathing just before she half-swirled in his arms, twisting her neck
until they were nose-to-nose. Her eyes were filled with tears, making Jon knit
his eyebrows worriedly.
“Christ, June…what is
“Just make love to
me, Jon…please”
At that moment, a
wave of sheer love for her washed over him, immediately followed by the
agonizing need to please her. In an instant he was kissing her passionately but
tenderly as his hands moved all over her until one finally reached under her
underwear finding her wet and warm core swollen with need. She unconsciously
ground against his hand, and his intimate touch made her instantly quiver,
vibrate from head to toe. She started breathing faster, raggedly as
anticipation welled in her.
“Does this feel
Their lips still
brushing against each other, tongues teasing, his thumb began stroking and she
felt the caress across her mind, and her soul. Her body responded by releasing
more warm fluid and feeling her wetness in his fingers made Jon instantly hard,
his crotch starting to ache with need.
“Fuck…have I told you
you make me crazy?”, he breathed, and his voice flung June to a new realm of ecstasy.
When she moaned in response, Jon couldn’t help but push his middle finger
inside her, feeling how her walls immediately clasped firmly around it. She was
slick and soft so warm. His thumb continued to stroke her clit with steady
pressure while his middle finger swirled inside her, caressing, stroking, up
and down, left and right. He gauged her reaction by the rhythm of her panting
and the pressure of her walls around his finger, and with each stroke he could
feel her pleasure building, radiating from her, resonating in him as he relished
in the intoxicating power of having her orgasm build and build under his hand.
He sucked her tongue into his mouth, slackening his jaw to deepen the kiss and
grant her tongue full access, making her whimper into his mouth until he ripped
his lips from hers to watch her come for him.
At that point, June
couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore, and they instinctively clenched closed. With
a gasp that seemed to take all the air in her, she convulsed, and her entire
body exploded in ecstasy, at last reaching the long-anticipated liberation.
“There…there…good”, Jon
panted as he wished it was his dick and not his finger being squeezed by her
twitching muscles.
June groaned,
thrashing in endless pleasure until nothing remained. No energy in her body, no
thoughts in her mind. It only lasted for a few moments, but during those exquisite
moments she felt like the earth had opened up and swallowed her, making her
disappear inside the most warm, comfortable nothingness.
June was still coming
down from the heights of ecstasy, eyelids fluttering, her mind fighting for
coherence, when Jon kneeled at the foot of the bed and gently pulled her
panties over her hips, down her legs, carefully past the bandages on her right
calf and then off over her bare feet. In a flash he stood up and kicked off his
jeans before crawling back on to bed, one hand gliding over her leg, up past
the knee and thigh until it rested on her hip. He couldn’t help but rub his
stubbly cheek against her belly, making June giggle and bury her fingers in his
short, soft golden mane.
Jon made a snuggly
movement around her navel before circling it with his tongue, and June’s whole
self was quivering once again when his lips traveled up to her breasts, softly
sucking one nipple, then brushing it with his nose before moving to the other
He finally lay down
beside her and they kissed thoroughly, legs and arms twined together, wrapped
around each other.
“I feel so empty when
you’re not inside me”, she confessed when they broke the kiss.
“I feel empty when I’m
not inside you”, he countered and gently moved for her to lie on her side, with
her back to him so her injured leg was still comfortably and safely resting on
the pillow under her knee.
It was then when he
slipped into her with a deep groan of relief, holding her in his embrace. June
grunted a bit as he slid every inch of himself into her, softly, tenderly and flowingly,
sending sharp, short waves of unspeakable pleasure to every corner of her
being. Only he could please her soul, only he could reach places of her mind
and body no one else could.
Jon kept moving
slowly but firmly, rather pushing instead of pulling in and out, exquisite
hoarse grunts flowing from his throat, his jaw clenched evidencing the effort
he was putting into not losing control of the raging horses that run through
his veins and threatened to make him forget gentleness. His lips were pressed
firmly against June’s shoulder, and his hot breath burnt her skin as he
breathed in heaves, covering the skin of her shoulder and back in a veil of
June took Jon’s hand
and pulled it to her mouth, capturing his middle finger between her lips,
sucking on it and running her tongue up and down, tasting herself in it for a
few moments until Jon removed it and took it to his mouth to suck on it
“You taste so…fucking…good”,
he breathed before placing his hand on her hip, holding it with a firm grip,
sinking his fingertips on her skin as he tried with all his might not to start
pounding into her with all his might. But the ache from delaying his own
gratification was quickly replaced by the joy of giving pleasure to the person
he loved. He kept pushing steadily, enjoying how her slick, warm walls massaged
his lenght, sucking it further and further inside with each wince she let out.
God, he wished he could fit all of himself in her cozy core.
Then suddenly he felt
how June started pushing back to meet him in tiny short pounds that, together
with the friction of her tightness around his cock, had him soon taking the
expressway to orgasm.
“Let go…just…”, she
spoke between pants, “…let go…”. The two last words melted into a cry as she
started squirming and moaning, gripping him so tightly that Jon couldn’t help
but pull out half way before finally thrusting himself fully into her with a
final grunt of release. Their bodies seemed to have blended together as they
thrashed in perfect synchronicity, her soft whining harmonizing with his
throaty groans.
They remained for
long minutes slumped in post-coital slumber, arms wrapped around each other,
breathing each other’s breath until reality began to creep back in.
“I think I’m ready
for a bath, now…or I’ll fall asleep”, June murmured sleepily as her hand
wandered timorously to the silky, smooth skin of Jon’s butt. He smiled then,
his beautiful smile with perfect white teeth bared between his full lips. He carefully
released her from his embrace and climbed off the bed before taking her in his
arms. The water was still warm when he placed her inside the tub, making sure
her bandaged leg rested on the edge, safely out of the water. Afterwards, he
slipped in behind her and drew her to him.
“So…aren’t you gonna
tell me how you’re planning to give us a fresh start?”, she finally asked as
she gently scrubbed his arms.
He smirked against
her damp hair. “I thought you were a patient woman”
“I’m a curious woman,
and you know it”, she said, playfully sprinkling some foam into his face with
her fingers. She craned her neck and tilted her chin up and he responded by
bowing his head to face her. “We’re really gonna get away with this, ain’t we?”,
she spoke as if she’d have some sort of epiphany.
“Bet my ass on it”
Feelings flowed wordlessly
from one to the other while they silently gazed into each other’s eyes for a
long moment.
“I love you, Jon”
“And I love you more…we
can do this, baby”, he said before the long, loving look into each other’s eyes
that led to a kiss.